
"I am confused over the concentration values displayed on the right side of the certificate page. 你说我的样本是b.d.", but the report also states positive values that there is protein in my test article?"

请让我们给您解释一下证书.  According to the ASTM D5712 and ASTM D6499 Methods, the test lab is required to list the results in three forms as "µg/ml", µg/g和µg/dm2.  The two ASTM Methods were created for the glove manufacturers which needed to normalize their results so they can compare gloves with regards to the weight of the glove "µg/g" and the surface area of the glove  " µg/dm2".   These two values take into account the detection limit of the assay (ASTM D5712 detection limit is 8.3µg/ml, ASTM D6499检测限为0.03 µg/ml)  which are both listed in the text box located in the bottom left hand corner of the certificate.  所以即使你有一个b.d." value, you will still have a positive value listed on the right side of the report.

"How are the values "µg/g" and "µg/dm2 " calculated on my certificate?"


To calculate the "µg/g" on your report, the "µg/g" is derived from the detection limit of 0.03 µg/ml times the extraction volume of the sample which is then divided by the sample weight.

To calculate the "µg/dm2", the "" is derived from the detection limit of 0.03 µg/ml times the extraction volume divided by the surface are. 

"What is the Turn Around Time (TAT) for my test article submission?"

The TAT for a typical test article submission is 4-5 business day upon receipt.  You should receive an electronic version of the report and invoice wit in this period.  If you do not receive an email from us or a hard copy sent by mail within two weeks, 请世界博彩公司十大排名.  If you are a customer outside of the United 状态s and requested a hardcopy of the report, 请给2-4周的时间寄到.  If you do not receive the report after this time period, 请世界博彩公司十大排名 


Using a laboratory accredited to ISO/IEC 17025 means the management and technical requirements of a laboratory are reviewed by an independent organization, 比如A2LA. The lab is assessed to ensure they are technically competent to perform the tests listed on their scope of accreditation. The accreditation body assesses areas of the laboratory including:

  • the qualifications, training and experience of the staff
  • the right equipment - properly calibrated and maintained
  • 适当的质量保证程序
  • 正确的抽样方法
  • 适当的测试程序
  • 有效的测试方法
  • traceability of measurements to national standards
  • 准确的记录和报告程序
  • 合适的测试设施


  • 最小化风险 -今天在全世界, customers seek reassurance that the products, materials or services they produce or purchase meet their expectations or conform to specific requirements. This often means that the product is sent to a laboratory to determine its characteristics against a standard or a specification. 对于制造商或供应商, choosing a technically competent laboratory minimizes the risk of producing or supplying a faulty product.
  • 避免昂贵的复测 - Testing of products and materials can be expensive and time consuming, even when they are done correctly the first time. 如果操作不当, then the cost and time involved in re-testing can be even higher if the product has failed to meet specifications or expectations. not only do costs go up, but your reputation as a supplier or manufacturer can go down. You can also be held liable for any failure of your product, particularly if it involves public safety or financial loss to a client. Choosing a technically competent laboratory minimizes the chance of retesting being required.
  • 增强客户的信心 -  Confidence in your product is enhanced if clients know it has been thoroughly evaluated by an independent, 有能力的测试设施. This is particularly so if you can demonstrate to them that the laboratory itself has been evaluated by a third party. Increasingly customers are relying on independent evidence, rather than simply accepting a supplier’s word that the product is "fit for purpose".
  • Reduce Costs and Improve Acceptance of Your Goods Overseas - Through a system of international agreements (see below) technically competent, accredited laboratories receive a form of international recognition, which allows their data to be more readily accepted on overseas markets. This recognition helps to reduce costs for manufacturers and exporters that have their products or materials tested in accredited laboratories, by reducing or eliminating the need for retesting in the importing country.