格斯里罗伯特帕克医院,托旺达校区 临床服务

Ambulance 服务 – Emergency and Non-Emergency Transportation

格斯里罗伯特帕克医院,托旺达校区 EMS offers patients safe, reliable and cost effective non-emergency transportation to or from any hospital, 护理机构, 个人护理院, 看医生, 牙医预约, 返程. The experienced Emergency Medical 服务 staff at 格斯里罗伯特帕克医院,托旺达校区 is on duty 24 hours a day to respond to pre-hospital medical or trauma related emergencies. We provide both basic and advanced levels of care to the residents of Bradford County and parts of Sullivan County. To arrange non-emergency transportation please call 570-265-5274.


The 心肺康复 program at 格斯里罗伯特帕克医院,托旺达校区 offers individually designed and medically supervised programs for the recovering cardiac patient. Our team of certified cardiac rehab nurses will assist you in achieving and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. If you are interested in the 心肺康复 Program, a physician’s referral is necessary for you to enter the program. For further information about the 心肺康复 Programs in Towanda, 打电话给570-268-2365.


心肺服务包括高级, non-invasive testing to aid in diagnosis and assessment of heart or pulmonary disease.

  • Nuclear Cardiac Imaging both 锻炼 and non-锻炼 testing
  • 心脏运动负荷试验
  • 应激超声心动图多巴酚丁胺 & 锻炼
  • 超声心动图
  • Pulmonary function testing including complete, pre/post, disability, diffusion, lung volume
  • 动态心电图监测(最长14天)
  • 睡眠研究
  • 肺康复


点击这里 了解更多世界博彩公司十大排名医院的心血管护理知识.


The emergency department is open 24 hours, 7 days a week and includes six treatment areas. Our experienced team of doctors and nurses work together to provide excellent emergency care to every patient from pediatrics through geriatrics. For further information about the 急救护理 at 格斯里罗伯特帕克医院,托旺达校区 please call 570-268-2274.


The Medical-Surgical Unit is where most patients spend the night at 格斯里罗伯特帕克医院,托旺达校区. Our nursing staff has a wide variety of training and experience, and we encourage our nurses to be lifelong learners along with taking classes in current medical procedures and technology. Nurses on medical/surgical units work with many other 专业s 包括: doctors, 社会工作者, 营养师, 药剂师和物理, 职业和语言治疗师, and respiratory therapists in developing a plan for care to fit each individual patient.

For further information about medical/surgical inpatient care at 格斯里罗伯特帕克医院,托旺达校区, 打电话给570-265-2191.


格斯里·罗伯特·帕克医院的实验室, Towanda校园 is staffed by a team of 专业s operating 24 hours a day, 每周七天提供快速准确的结果. 抽血不需要预约. 此外,本实验室还提供:

  • 服务 to nursing homes in Bradford, Sullivan, Susquehanna and 怀俄明 counties.
  • In home lab draws to patients who are in need of lab testing, 但发现去我们的设施太困难了. This service is available to patients residing in Bradford and its surrounding counties.
  • 为企业提供多相血液检测, schools and the general public in offering multiphasic health screenings.


  • 星期一:早上7点.m. 至下午五点半.m. 

  • 星期二:早上7点.m. 至下午五点半.m. 

  • 星期三:早上7点.m. 至下午五点半.m. 

  • 星期四:早上7点.m. 至下午五点半.m. 

  • 星期五:早上7点.m. 至下午五点半.m. 

  • 星期六:早上7点.m. 到11点.m. 



We offer 3D mammography or tomosynthesis during the following hours. We want you to be able to get this important cancer screening and can accommodate other hours upon request. 

  • 星期一:早上8点.m. 到下午4点.m. 

  • 星期二:上午8点.m. 到下午4点.m. 

  • 星期三:上午8点.m. 到下午4点.m. 

  • 星期四:上午8点.m. 到下午4点.m. 

  • 星期五:上午8点.m. 到下午4点.m. 

For further information about mammography in Towanda, call 570-268-2283.


Imaging at 格斯里罗伯特帕克医院,托旺达校区 provides a wide range of diagnostic and therapeutic imaging studies, 包括:

  • 骨密度
  • 多层螺旋CT扫描仪
  • 核磁共振成像
  • 乳房x光检查  
  • x射线
  • 线断层摄影术
  • 超声波
  • 透视

For further information about 医学成像 in Towanda call 570-268-2283.

纽曼W. 本森急性康复科 at 格斯里罗伯特帕克医院,托旺达校区

纽曼W. 本森急性康复科 at 格斯里罗伯特帕克医院,托旺达校区 is a 15-bed inpatient rehabilitation center opened in 2021. Our highly trained 专业s provide nurturing support and physical rehabilitation for a variety of patients who have experienced the debilitating effects of an acute injury, 障碍, 或疾病.


Nurse-Family伙伴关系Nurse-Family伙伴关系 (NFP) is a community health program that helps transform the lives of women who are pregnant with their first child. Each mother we serve is partnered with a registered nurse (RN) early in her pregnancy and receives ongoing nurse home visits throughout pregnancy that continues through her child's second birthday. 该项目帮助新妈妈了解更多关于怀孕的知识, 分娩和婴儿的生长发育, 为新生儿的到来做好准备, 为妈妈和宝宝建立一个强大的网络. Participation in NFP is voluntary and is FREE to all eligible women. 你有资格参加这个项目,如果

  • 你怀了你的第一个孩子
  • 符合入息要求.
  • 怀孕28周前加入.

NFP鼓励父亲, 合作伙伴, family members and even friends to be involved in the visits and learn how they can best support you and your baby. 你和你的护士可以一起决定谁介入. Please call Nurse-Family伙伴关系 at 570-268-2372 for information on how to enroll in the program.



Physician referral to 职业治疗 facilitates evaluation and treatment of individuals from infancy through geriatrics. 治疗在不同的环境中提供. 这包括住院急症护理, 专业护理, 家庭健康, 学校系统, 门诊, 并在现场的工业. 服务 are provided by registered and state licensed occupational therapists and certified assistants.

  • 上肢治疗
  • 治疗手
  • 肌腱损伤处理
  • 发育迟缓治疗
  • 视觉疗法
  • 整理工作
  • 符合人体工程学的咨询
  • Pre-placement筛选
  • 中风康复
  • 累积性创伤障碍的治疗
  • 用夹板固定
  • 肩膀康复
  • 运动控制疗法
  • 家庭训练
  • 工作任务分析
  • 脑损伤康复

所有的转诊都是由医生处方. 咨询电话:570-268-2209.


Our 门诊护理服务 bridge the gap between inpatient hospital care and home-based care. 无论是治疗慢性疾病, 注射治疗, 或者提供术后护理, our dedicated team of skilled nurses is here to assist you.

致力于提供个性化服务, 专业, 还有同情心护理, our 门诊 nursing team works closely with you and your doctors to design a care plan tailored to your unique health needs. We strive to empower our patients with knowledge about their health conditions, equipping them with the tools to manage their health effectively.


许多孩子都患有疾病, injuries or conditions that limit them physically in the home, 在学校和社区. A pediatric physical therapist will look at what challenges your child faces every day, 提供正式诊断, 制定一个计划来提高他们的力量, 耐力和学习能力. The goal of pediatric physical therapy is to help your child move without pain, avoid or decrease permanent physical disabilities and support normal range-of-motion function. 

Pediatric therapy is available for children with physical and developmental disabilities. 服务包括:

  • 标准化发育测验
  • 吞咽和喂养评价及治疗
  • 认知疗法
  • 口腔运动疗法
  • 辅助通讯设备
  • 粗大和精细运动的评估和治疗
  • 神经发育技术(NDT)
  • 肌筋膜松解和颅骶治疗
  • 视觉疗法

所有的转诊都是由医生处方. 咨询电话:570-268-2209.


格斯里·罗伯特·帕克医院的个人护理院, Towanda校园 offers a unique housing opportunity for individuals who may require assistance to maintain their independence. Residents of the 个人护理院 will be assisted in maintaining an active and self-sufficient lifestyle. The 个人护理院 is a special combination of housing, personalized supportive services and health care designed to respond to people who need help in activities of daily living but do not need the skilled medical care provided in a nursing home. The 个人护理院 will provide maximum independence and dignity for each resident while encouraging the involvement of a resident's family, 邻居和朋友.


  • 员工24小时值班.
  • 完全适合轮椅、助行器、手杖等使用.
  • 协助保持个人卫生,如洗澡, 口腔护理, 头发梳理, 洗头, 穿衣和保养衣服, 和剃须.
  • Help with tasks of daily living such as securing transportation, 购物, 制定和履行约会, 妥善保管个人物品, 电话的使用, 对应, 个人衣服, 社交及休闲活动, 走, 使用假肢.
  • 每个房间都有一个私人浴室.
  • 药物使用的监控和提醒.
  • Meals provided three times a day; snacks provided; special dietary needs accommodated.
  • Organized activity programs such as bingo, spiritual groups, music, trips, 购物, etc.
  • 每个房间都有紧急呼叫系统.
  • 管家提供.
  • 游客的欢迎.
  • Residents may own their car and come and go as they please.
  • 酒店提供家具,您也可以自己带家具.
  • 消防-报警器,喷水灭火系统.
  • 房间里有有线电视和电话.

The 个人护理院 is a 94-bed facility and is located on the Towanda campus. 如有要求,我们乐意提供免费旅游. For more information about the 个人护理院 at 格斯里罗伯特帕克医院,托旺达校区, 请致电570-268-2424.


The physical therapy team at 格斯里罗伯特帕克医院,托旺达校区 provides rehabilitation for a loss of function due to illness, 成人和儿童受伤或手术. Physical therapists treat injuries related to bones, joints, ligaments, tendons and muscles. Other issues that may be addressed include balance, strength and coordination. Therapists develop an individualized plan to help you recover as much movement as possible using a variety of modalities, 包括热和冷, 电刺激, 按摩, 运动范围练习, 力量训练和手工疗法.


  • 治疗性运动
  • 肌肉操纵
  • 联合动员/操作
  • 术后恢复
  • 神经系统管理
  • 足部矫形器制造
  • 平衡训练
  • 淋巴水肿的治疗
  • 前庭神经康复

所有的转诊都是由医生处方. 咨询电话:570-268-2209.


世界博彩公司十大排名·罗伯特·帕克医院的熟练护理组, Towanda校园 offers patients specialized therapies combining the advantages of specialized rehabilitation, 长期护理, 还有急诊医院的服务. Admissions to the Skilled Nursing Unit are carefully considered for individuals who require 专业 nursing care and related medical services on a 24-hour, 7 day a week basis while not currently in need of acute hospital care.

有关熟练护理服务的更多信息, admissions and rates please contact Admission Coordinator at 570-268-2429. For Skilled Nursing and Rehabilitation 私隐实务通知 点击这里.


当你来做睡眠研究时,你会期待什么? There is a comfortable, private room where you will spend the night. Your sleep disorder test will be scored and interpreted by a physician who is board certified in sleep medicine and a treatment plan will then be provided to your family physician. 我们提供多种不同的诊断测试,包括:



- - - - - - CPAP & BiPAP滴定研究

A second sleep study may be necessary to assure the treatment has eliminated your symptoms and to assure you can finally get a good night’s sleep. 详情请致电570-268-2537.


通过医生的推荐, speech language pathology services are provided to individuals from infancy through geriatrics. Infants and toddlers may receive speech therapy if they have feeding and swallowing problems, 或者需要帮助发展语言交流. Preschool children may require some extra help to learn basic skills such as communicating needs and wants. School-age children often go to speech therapy to learn to correct articulation errors and improve language skills. Adults may see a speech therapist if they have a brain injury that has affected communication or swallowing.

If you, or your child, have any of the following symptoms you may benefit from speech therapy:

  • 发展性言语迟缓
  • 吞咽或进食困难
  • 流利(口吃)障碍
  • 语音障碍
  • 关节疾病
  • 语言障碍
  • 口腔运动障碍
  • 认知的延迟
  • 难以集中注意力
  • 阅读障碍测试


  • 演讲及语言能力
  • 倾听和理解
  • Augmentative and alternative communication, such as sign language or using a communication device
  • 吞咽和进食障碍
  • Cognitive skills including organization, memory, and word retrieval
  • 保持注意力集中

For an evaluation and treatment plan to meet your personal needs, 请致电语音语言病理学570-268-2209.


Vision therapy utilizes a complex set of systems that encompasses acuity, 视觉感知能力, 视觉运动整合技能和眼运动技能. In visual therapy, patients are treated for various conditions, 包括:

  • 头痛
  • 复视和眼睛疲劳
  • 弱视
  • 运动协调能力下降
  • 视野缩小
  • 深度感知困难
  • 阅读和学习困难
  • 平衡和平衡问题
  • 脑震荡和脑损伤后的视力问题

For more information about 视觉疗法 at 格斯里罗伯特帕克医院,托旺达校区, 请致电570-268-2209.