Greetings from the Designated Institutional Official (DIO)

琼F. 矿工,医学博士,MHA, MMEL, FACSWelcome to The Guthrie Clinic’s Department of 医学研究生教育.  我们很高兴您考虑在我们机构接受住院医师/Research员培训. 一百多年来,教育下一代护理人员一直是世界博彩公司十大排名诊所的重点,我们将继续扩大这里的项目.  Regardless of your future career goals, whether to be a community caregiver, 前沿研究人员, 医疗保健领导者, 或者未来的教育家, 我们将为您提供的工具,以发展一个坚实的基础,以确保成功,无论你的道路.  

有超过130名住院医师和研究员代表11个acgme认证项目和我们的药房住院医师, we are committed to the patients and community we serve.  如果您是未来的住院医师或研究员或已经信任我们与您的培训, please explore our site to learn more about our programs, and commitment to excellence in your education.  Our Department of GME is here to support you, and the patients we serve through our outstanding training programs, 教师, and clinical learning environments. 

We welcome applicants with the talent and aspiration to excel. 我们注重多样性, and providing an educational environment beyond just the practice of medicine, 比如病人体验, 质量改进, 社区服务, 研究, 教育与领导.  

As the Designated Institutional Official (DIO), I am honored to lead the various GME programs throughout our system. 我们的使命是: 



琼F. 矿工,医学博士,MHA, MMEL, FACS
Designated Institutional Official, The Guthrie Clinic  
Assistant Professor, GCSOM - General Surgery 
(570) 887-3592

Greeting from Associate Vice President Medical Education

“Medical education does not exist to provide students with a way of making a living, but to ensure the health of the community.”
Rudolf Virchow 

戴尔H. 约翰逊二世,MS. Ed., C.A.S.Welcome to Guthrie’s Medical Education Department.  世界博彩公司十大排名有很强的医学教育传统,从1910年护理学院成立开始.  Guthrie recognizes that education is the foundation of a healthy community.  Our institution provides a diverse patient population, 专门的教师和导师, and excellent clinical departments to support the achievement of your educational goals.  世界博彩公司十大排名的医学教育办公室现在为各种各样的学习者提供服务,其中包括高中观察员/影子, 专职健康学生, 护士, and post-graduate physicians and pharmacists.   

Guthrie’s medical education department supports approximately 1,500 students annually as they pursue their educational and training goals.  我们与240多家教育机构签订了协议,并为在世界博彩公司十大排名轮转的学生提供广泛的观察和临床经验. 

As the Associate Vice President for Medical Education, 我鼓励您浏览我们的网站,了解我们部门如何帮助您考虑或准备从事医疗保健事业. 

戴尔H. 约翰逊二世,MS. Ed., C.A.S.
Associate Vice President, Medical Education 
(570) 887-4447


Greeting from the Manager of Guthrie Residency and 奖学金项目 

南希·皮斯As the Manager of the Residency and 奖学金项目, it is a privilege to be a team member of our 医学研究生教育 Department. My position allows me to interact and coach the GME Team, 居民, 研究员, 教师和学生学习者. The position is ideal as it aligns with my background experience in 护理, combined with a master’s degree in business and ACGME program management.  Whether it is attracting and recruiting applicants, 指导工作人员, or experiencing the joy of our highly qualified graduates, every day is a pleasure employed in 医学研究生教育. My saying is, “we are growing qualified physicians and the leaders of tomorrow.”    

(570) 887-4437


世界博彩公司十大排名的行政奖学金计划是一个为期两年的研究生计划,提供给经过认证的MHA的应届毕业生, 工商管理硕士, 或MSN程序.

居民 at the hospital can participate in a diverse and complex variety of cases, 我们的教学模式鼓励我们的专家医师一对一的培训. 

Guthrie represents the core values of patient centeredness, teamwork, and excellence. 它的奖学金项目致力于这些价值观,因为他们寻求在心血管医学领域培养领导者. 

Welcome to the Guthrie Robert Packer Hospital Emergency Medicine Program. 世界博彩公司十大排名罗伯特帕克医院是世界博彩公司十大排名卫生系统的旗舰三级护理中心, which is a member of the Mayo Clinic Care Network.

作为内分泌学, 我们致力于在内分泌病理学的各个领域提供全面和独特的培训, clinical experience in diverse patient population, 以及研究机会.

Working with our exceptional Family Practice teaching physicians, 他们每个人都有忠实的病人追随者,并且对教学和鼓励新医生充满热情, 会帮助你将你的知识基础转化为非凡的病人护理生活吗.

卢尔德医院的家庭医学住院医师项目专注于提供高质量的医疗服务, 以病人为中心的医学方法,并准备住院医生在不同的实践环境中进行有效的实践.

我们的研究员将有机会发展胃肠病学的临床能力, 包括肝病学, 临床营养, 胃肠道肿瘤, 放射学, 和病理. 

世界博彩公司十大排名罗伯特帕克医院普通外科住院医师计划是一个全面的, five-year program designed to help medical students become competent, 委员会认证的普通外科医生将准备参加严格的奖学金计划,享受非凡的职业生涯作为外科医生.


The Guthrie Internal Medicine Residency Program is a three-year focused program, 住院医师由经验丰富的临床医生指导,使用最新的医疗技术和模拟技术.

卢尔德医院的内科住院医师项目是一个6-6-6的项目,重点是提供广泛的内科医学知识基础,并培养全面发展的毕业生, compassionate and independent internists.



The Orthopaedic surgery residency program is a comprehensive, 五年计划,旨在培养优秀的亚专科和社区骨科医生. 

As a pharmacist who has practiced at Guthrie since 2001, 我选择世界博彩公司十大排名而不是其他机构的原因从未消失——这是家庭. In the halls, regardless of title, people smile at each other and say hello. 


世界博彩公司十大排名罗伯特帕克医院的肺部疾病和重症监护医学奖学金为重症患者提供全面的临床护理经验, as well as outpatients and inpatients with lung disease.