5 Ways To Keep Your Joints Healthier

5 Ways To Keep Your Joints Healthier

Joint pain doesn't have to be a normal part of aging. Follow these tips for healthier joints.

You have joints all over your body – your knees, hips 和 elbows are the ones you likely think of first. But wherever there is a connection between two bones, there's a joint that allows your body to move. From your fingers 和 toes to your neck, 背部和肩部, keeping your joints healthy helps you avoid pain 和 stiffness 和 allows you to keep doing the things you love to do.

Here are 5 tips that can help improve joint health:

  1. 保持健康的体重 – One of the best things you can do for your joints is to lose weight. This is especially true for weight-bearing joints such as knees 和 hips. 研究 shows that every pound of weight lost results in a 4-pound reduction in stress on the knees.
  2. 多运动 – Exercising on a regular basis keep joints healthier. Strength-training makes your muscles 和 ligaments stronger, which helps support your joints. Aerobic exercise gets your heart pumping 和 has been shown to help reduce joint swelling. And you shouldn't only focus on formal exercise. Moving more throughout your day helps prevent your joints from getting stiff 和 painful.
  3. 吃全面的饮食 – What you eat can affect the health of your joints, as well as your bones 和 muscles. Aim to get adequate amounts of protein, calcium, vitamin D, vitamin C 和 other important nutrients.
  4. 了解自己的极限 – It's very beneficial to move as much as possible to keep joints healthier, but it's also important to know your limits. If walking makes your knees hurt, switch to a lower-impact activity such as swimming. If you need to lift something 和 you think it's too heavy, ask for help or get someone to do it for you. Modify any exercises or activities that cause joint pain.
  5. 保护你的关节 – You can't avoid every type of strain, 扭伤或受伤, but you can take steps to protect your joints during repetitive or high-risk activities. Wear a brace on your wrist if work activities cause wrist pain. Protect your knees 和 elbows with padding during activities such as skating or high-impact sports.


Our dedicated musculoskeletal team is here for you at all stages of life, with the most advanced treatments 和 therapies available in the area. From arthritis 和 osteoporosis to trauma care, joint replacement 和 more, you can be sure that our providers are highly experienced in their chosen specialty to provide you with the best treatment available.


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Date Last Reviewed: August 16, 2021

Editorial Review: Andrea Cohen, Editorial Director, 鲍德温出版公司. 联系编辑

医学检查: Andrew P. Overman, DPT, MS, COMT, CSCS

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