
My Day in the Life as an Anesthesiology Resident

Abbey Halula, DO
Abbey Halula, DO
Chief Resident

作为一名麻醉住院医师,我每天的起床时间是凌晨4:45-5:15. I live about 25 minutes from the hospital, 所以我在早上做好准备,通常计划在早上5:45-6:30左右到达医院,这取决于我当天的病例复杂程度.

When arriving at the hospital, 我把车停在停车场,在更衣室换上手术室的工作服. 我通常会得到一个Vocera电池,然后登录我的Vocera(麻醉科/护理人员使用的通信系统)。. I check the OR board for any changes to my case assignments, 然后去麻醉工作室拿我的药物标签,拿我第一个病例可能需要的设备.

Once in the OR, I perform my machine check, draw up medications for my case, 并准备好我的呼吸道设备/我可能需要的任何其他用品. I then head over to the prep area to see my first patient. 通常, I will arrive in the prep area around 7 am, 或者更早,如果我需要执行一个程序,如线/块/轴.

In the prep area, I see my patient, 提供病史/麻醉史并解释麻醉计划. I place monitors on my patient and consent them for any procedures. I often place an IV if it has not been placed. When the attending arrives, 我确认计划的任何变更(前一天晚上讨论过),然后执行任何程序. When the room is ready, 我执行“暂停”,与准备护士/手术室护士核实患者和手术程序,并根据病例开始时间在7:30- 8:00之前将患者带到手术室.

在手术室里,在病人身上放置监视器后,我和我的主治医生一起引导病人. After the airway is secured, 在病人就位前,我要做任何手术或附加手术, while maintaining hemodynamics. 然后我在管理病人的同时完成我的病例记录. 有时, 入职后,出席者将提到他们当天想教的主题. Usually during the first case, 主治医生通常会让我离开手术室去吃早餐或喝咖啡. 一旦手术接近尾声,急救就开始了,我会给病人拔管.

In the recovery area, I bring my patient to their assigned nurse. I then hand-off the patient and finish the anesthesia record. I finish preparing my supplies for the next case, and then go back to the prep area for the next patient. 这个时候, 主治医生通常已经看过病人并解释了麻醉方案, and I will introduce myself and bring the patient to the OR. In the middle of the day, I am relieved for a half-hour lunch break.

在周三,我通常在下午12:40休息,这样我就可以参加下午的教学. 否则, on days in which I finish my cases early, I check with the board runner that day to see where I am needed. I am usually relieved for the day around 5pm. I then check my schedule for the next day, 回顾病例,为每位患者准备第二天的术前记录. 我通常打电话给主治医生,讨论麻醉方案,并决定第二天要读的主题. 我开车回家,晚上剩下的时间都是自由的,除了一些术前阅读和董事会研究.

Resident Wellness

At Guthrie Robert Packer Hospital Anesthesiology, we are fully aware of the many stressors of residency training. We pay close attention to wellness and resilience in our residents. We aim to promote a healthy work-life balance. 我们以住院医师为中心的健康计划包括以下部分:

  • Resident Meetings
    All residents meet quarterly with our program ombudsman (Dr. 维克多Kolade, Internal Medicine) for a business meeting, 一个与我们的项目没有直接关系的教员讨论问题和关注的论坛. 这次会议使问题得到及时解决,并为居民提供了一个参与和积极的场所.
  • Mentor Program
    Our program strongly believes in the value of mentorship. 每个住院医师都被分配了一名教师导师来指导他们的住院医师培训.  住院医生定期与他们的导师会面,讨论他们的优势, 挑战, short term goals, long term planning and overall wellness.    
  • Employee Assistance Program
    世界博彩公司十大排名为所有居民提供全面的员工援助计划(EAP). The EAP benefit is provided at no cost to the employee, and all components of the benefit are completely confidential.

    We know that when you do make the decision to call, it can be stressful and you want to be able to speak to someone, regardless the time of day. Guthrie has partnered with CuraLinc, LLC.,一个行业领先的员工协助提供商,提供SupportLinc. 这种增强的合作伙伴关系允许您访问以下服务:
    • SHORT-TERM COUNSELING: 多达六(6)在现场有执照的临床医生亲自咨询会议.
    • FREE LEGAL SERVICES: 免费电话或(30分钟)与当地律师面对面咨询.
    • FREE FINANCIAL SERVICES: 免费的专家财务规划和咨询,通过网络的持牌财务顾问.
    • EXPERT REFERRALS: 免费转介资源,帮助解决广泛的问题,如儿童或老人的照顾, 采用, 宠物护理, 回家修理, 教育, travel and housing needs.
    • 门户网站: Access to thousands of articles, tip sheets and videos covering a wide array of health, 幸福, and work-life balance topics.  It also contains child and elder search engines, reference libraries, legal and financial resources, self-improvement programs and 教育al modules.
    • eConnect®移动应用程序:安排视频,实时聊天或电话咨询.
    • TEXTCOACH: Exchange text messages, 通过Textcoach™移动和桌面应用程序与持牌辅导员进行语音记录和资源.
    • 精神: 一个个性化的数字资源,通过一系列动态的自我导向模块,加强心理健康和整体福祉.
    • VIRTUAL SUPPORT CONNECT: 通过桌面或移动平台提供各种主题的实时审核组支持.

Social Events and Gatherings

除了迎新之外,每年都会为新住户举行欢迎晚会. 这种设置为居民和教师提供了一个在更个人的层面上联系的机会.
Many resident social events occur during the year.  我们的周三教学计划每年包括四个下午,在这些下午,正式的教学被健康活动所取代.  我们全年也有由GME组织的各种其他活动.  


Residency Life

Residency Life

Anesthesiology Gathering

Anesthesiology Gathering

Anesthesiology Gathering

Program 领导 Open-Door Policy

In our program, an open-door policy is  in place. 居民 are encouraged to contact the Program Director. 项目副主任,或项目协调员,只要他们觉得有必要.

Anesthesiology Award