

Here's how to recognize, prevent 和 treat three common injuries.

Running is a popular exercise, offering many health benefits for the body 和 mind. Studies show that running for just 5 to 10 minutes per day, 每周四到五次, 降低患心血管疾病的风险, 心脏病发作和中风. Running regularly has also been shown to improve sleep 和 mood. 它可以帮助人们减轻或保持健康的体重. 作为额外的奖励, running is an activity that can be done by almost anyone, 在任何地方, without the need for special equipment or an expensive gym membership.

But running is also a high-impact exercise that can be especially hard on the knees, legs 和 feet. If you're overdoing it or not warming up properly, you may end up with a running-related injury.

Here are three common running injuries 和 tips to help prevent them. You'll also find recovery tips 和 information about when to see a doctor below.


也称为肌肉拉伤, 当你过度拉伸肌肉时,就会发生这种情况, 导致疼痛和活动受限. Muscle pulls most commonly occur in the hamstrings, quadriceps, calf or groin.

  • 预防: 不要跳过热身. When muscles 和 tendons aren't warmed up, they don't work as well 和 that can lead to injury. 出发前, 做一系列的动态拉伸, 比如控制腿和手臂的摆动或缓慢的弓步. You can also warm up by walking 和 then gradually increase to your running speed.


也叫胫骨应激综合征, a shin splint can happen when you're running more than usual, 尤其是在硬的时候, 高冲击力的表面,比如混凝土. It causes pain along the shinbone that can usually be alleviated with rest. If you ignore the pain 和 don't give your body the rest it needs, 胫骨夹板可能发展成应力性骨折, 哪个是骨头上的发际裂痕. Stress 骨折 are commonly caused by repetitive stress 和 can cause pain, 肿胀, 瘀伤和压痛.

  • 预防: Always warm up before running 和 wear properly fitting 和 supportive running shoes. 如果你有扁平足, 你更有可能得胫骨夹板, 所以你可能还需要特殊的矫正插入物. It's also helpful to avoid running on hard surfaces as much as possible 和 don't run too much. 如果你的胫骨疼痛, stop running temporarily so you don't wind up with a stress fracture, which can be more painful 和 take much longer to heal.


The term "runner's knee" is used to describe many types of knee injuries that result in irritation of the cartilage behind the kneecap. 这种隐痛往往在跳起来后变得更加剧烈, 爬楼梯或蹲着, 或者在长时间坐着之后.

  • 预防: Always warm up first 和 avoid running on hard surfaces like concrete. Maintain a regular exercise routine that keeps your thigh muscles strong 和 limber. Make sure your running shoes have enough support 和 change them often if you run a lot.


The recommended treatment methods for muscle pulls, shin splints 和 runner's knee are very similar.

If you can't walk at all 和/or you heard a "popping" sound when the injury first occurred, 马上去看医生.

Otherwise, try the RICE method (休息 - 冰 - 压缩 - 海拔高度):

  • 休息. Take time off from running to allow your injury to heal. How long you rest will depend on how long the pain, 肿胀 和 tenderness persists.
  • 冰. Keep ice on the affected area for 20 minutes every hour or so to reduce pain 和 肿胀. 48小时后,如果你仍然感到疼痛,换到暖气.
  • 压缩. Wrap the affected area with an elastic b和age to help minimize 肿胀. Only apply gentle pressure 和 make sure it's not too tight.
  • 海拔高度. Raise the affected area, which also helps reduce 肿胀.

If your pain subsides 和 you can move normally after a few days, 您可以逐渐恢复正常的活动. 只是不要过度. If you're still feeling pain or the pain goes away only to return with resumed activity, 给你的身体更多的时间来恢复. If the pain or 肿胀 gets worse, or you have difficulty walking, see a doctor.


When an injury strikes, we underst和 how important a fast recovery is to your athlete. 这就是为什么我们的团队 运动医学 caregivers share one common goal – to get our athletes back in the game as quickly 和 safely as possible.
Our caregivers are equipped to h和le a wide variety of 运动损伤, 提供损伤评估, 脑震荡管理, 物理治疗, 外科手术等. In addition to the vast network of Guthrie providers across numerous specialties, we can ensure your athlete receives the best care possible, 无论条件如何.


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Editorial Review: Andrea Cohen, Editorial Director, 鲍德温出版公司. 联系编辑

医学检查: 安德鲁·奥弗曼,DPT, MS, COMT, CSCS

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