工作压力大? Here's What It May Do to Your Heart

工作压力大? Here's What It May Do to Your Heart

Chronic stress can hurt your heart, so here are tips for reducing work-related stress.

It should come as no surprise that being stressed can be hard on your heart. Stress increases inflammation in your body 和 may contribute to known heart risk factors such as high blood pressure. It can also cause you to make less-than-healthy choices, 比如暴饮暴食, 喝太多酒, 吸烟或吸毒. And it may make you less likely to eat healthy foods, 锻炼, sleep well or maintain a healthy weight. All of these effects increase your risk of heart disease.

Although many aspects of your life can be stressful, one area where you may feel you can't escape stress is at work. But over time, work stress can damage your heart, especially if you're a woman. 一项发表在 Journal of the American Heart Association showed that women experiencing job 和 social strain had a 21 percent higher risk of developing heart disease.

So what are you supposed to do if work causes you stress?

One option is to leave your stressful job, but that's not usually the best option for most people. These strategies help you de-stress during the work day so your job doesn't take a toll on your heart health—or your overall mental 和 physical health:

  • 学会说不. You may feel like you always have to say yes at work to show your worth, but it's helpful to know your limits 和 to say no when you're feeling overextended 和 stressed out. You'll not only feel less stressed, but you'll be more productive.
  • 提前计划. Planning out your day 和 staying organized is one thing completely under your control that can help you reduce stress.
  • 创建一个预- 下班后的例行公事. Some people arrive at the office already stressed or take work stress home with them. Keep stress to a minimum by creating routines for your commute to 和 from work that help you relax. Call a friend, listen to a podcast or sing along to your favorite tunes.
  • 呼吸. Meditation 和 deep breathing are helpful ways to calm the mind 和 reduce stress. Even if you have only a few minutes, find a quiet place to close your eyes 和 take a few deep breaths when stress hits. You'll be back on your game in no time.
  • 少坐. Moving more throughout the work day is a great stress reliever 和 is good for your heart. To combat the harmful effects of sitting too much, use a st和ing desk with or without a desk treadmill, suggest a walking meeting or start a lunchtime fitness routine with a coworker. 
  • 适当加油. Going for more than a few hours without food can cause your blood sugar levels to drop, which can make you irritable 和 stressed. Bring healthy snacks from home that will keep you going strong even when you're short on time.

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Date Last Reviewed: December 14, 2022

Editorial Review: Andrea Cohen, Editorial Director, 鲍德温出版公司. 联系编辑

医学检查: 佩里·皮特科,医学博士

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