

These 9 tips help you reduce the risk of experiencing pain or stiffness in your knees.

Your knees undergo a lot of wear 和 tear each 和 every day. 毕竟, they are the largest joints in your body 和 are called into action with each step you take. Knee pain can keep you from doing the things you love 和 can impact your quality of life. But there's no reason you should have to live with pain, inflammation 和 stiffness.

Here are 9 ways to be good to your knees so they're less likely to cause you pain:

  1. 减肥. When you walk, the force on your knees is about three or four times your body weight. So it st和s to reason that the more weight you carry, the higher the force on your knees. Losing weight lowers the stress placed on the knee, making it less likely you'll feel pain in this joint.
  2. 加强膝盖周围的肌肉. When the muscles surrounding the knee are strong, they offer more support for the joint. Strengthen the quadriceps 和 hamstrings 和 you're less likely to experience knee pain. Also perform stretching exercises to keep the muscles 和 joint flexible.
  3. 多运动. You may think doing more physical activity would cause more pain in your knee, 但事实恰恰相反. 参加低影响的活动, 喜欢步行, 游泳, 骑自行车或瑜伽, is more likely to keep your knee free from pain than if you are sedentary.
  4. 不训练过度. Some exercise is good, but too much is not so good. When you overtrain, you put excessive stress on your knee joint 和 surrounding muscles. This makes you more prone to injury, strain 和 pain.
  5. 穿合适的鞋子. When your feet are well-supported 和 your shoes are comfortable, it promotes proper foot alignment. And when your feet are in proper alignment, it puts less stress on your knees. 适当的步行有助于缓解膝盖疼痛.
  6. 练习良好的姿势. Just as the alignment of your feet can affect your knees, so too can the alignment of your spine. Keep your head directly above your shoulders 和 your shoulders directly above your core. Slouching or bending at the waist puts added pressure on your knees.
  7. 保护你的膝盖. If you play contact sports or are engaged in activities with a higher chance of falling, 比如滑板或轮滑, 戴上护膝保护膝盖. Also wear knee pads or rest knees on a cushioned pad if you are kneeling for a long time, 比如园艺的时候.
  8. 吃健康食品. Studies show that eating some types of food helps lower inflammation. 根据关节炎基金会, many foods recommended as part of the Mediterranean Diet, 比如水果, 蔬菜, 豆子。, 豆类, 全谷物, 坚果, 种子和健康脂肪, may reduce inflammation 和 ease arthritis pain.
  9. 治疗膝关节疼痛. If you have occasional or temporary knee pain, you may experience relief by resting your knee, applying ice 和/or taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medication (NSAIDs). 但如果疼痛持续, or is accompanied by weakness or other symptoms, see a doctor to get to the root cause of the problem.


Our dedicated musculoskeletal team is here for you at all stages of life, with the most advanced treatments 和 therapies available in the area. From arthritis 和 osteoporosis to trauma care, 关节置换术等, you can be sure that our providers are highly experienced in their chosen specialty to provide you with the best treatment available.


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Editorial Review: Andrea Cohen, Editorial Director, 鲍德温出版公司. 联系编辑

医学检查: 佩里·皮特科,医学博士

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